25K Steps in Rome

Because of the virus, I have zero interest in doing anything else except looking at old photos I got from my trip to Rome, which was almost a year ago... I know I am super delayed. I could have written about this trip way earlier. But hey, better late than never, right? 😀

Actually, I am supposed to be somewhere in Switzerland by now. But again, THE DARN VIRUS. And I cannot get over a regret feeling of what I could have done now if I was in Europe again.

So here I am, trying to memorize the longest walking-trip I have ever had in my life.

As a Thai person living in Thailand my whole life, walking is never my thing since Thailand is so well-known for its crazy-sunny-humid-weather even in winter... I cannot stand walking even for 10 minutes under the sun or under sheds which do not really help. I will take every kind of transportation possible, bus, sky train, metro, tuk-tuk, taxi, motorcycle taxi, or whatever-you-name-it, just to avoid walking. Neither am I a physically active, so 3K steps a day is kind of my typical number. Reaching 10K steps on some special occasions can make me proud of myself already.

Let alone 25K steps.

But I did it... Wait, WHAT!?

Yeah, seriously. I mean, I enjoyed it a lot since I had the whole new scenario of Rome to look around. However, my shoes and my feet and were definitely prepared for this. It was only our second day and we already explored most of the landmarks in town.

That night, we also went to the Iris pub near Colosseum to watch a football game. That was my first time to actually watch a game. The vibe there was fun. I could see why people tend to go to the field to watch their favorite team. It must be hype!

My feet cried for help once I got back to our Airbnb. I passed out real quick.

The third day was when the real pain began. I could no longer walk without taking a quick break every 15 minutes walk. The only thing that could keep me going on was Gelato in my hand. HA! I love Italian Gelato that if I could, I would eat it every day.

But after all, Rome is very fascinating so it was worth torturing myself! And I will surely prepare a better pair of shoes for the next time! 😆


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